Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summertime and the Livin' is ... About the Same as Always

(with a bunch of pictures)

It's been a fun and busy summer here, complete with both a new niece and a (soon-to-be) new brother-in-law. So, I guess not so much the same as always. But most days are just filled with trips to the playground punctuated by housework, or something along those lines.

Sooo ... pictures from Lauren's wedding one of these days very soon! But, for now, I'm feeling lazy. So this entry is pretty much a picture dump/ catch-up. Ready ... go.

Ellie and her cousin Hardison way back on Easter morning, while the adults laid out Easter eggs for each other (hidden in the house) and for the kids (carefully "hidden" on the floor):

 Ellie in her adorable swimsuit, with some of the neighbors:

 If at first you don't succeed in reaching the keyboard ... stand on a toy:
 Ellie "helping" mommy sew (she slung the measuring tape around her neck all by herself):
 Grandma with the new little niece/ cousin Emily:

 Shopping with Grandma while she was visiting to see the new baby:
 With Grandpa at Aunt Lauren's bridal shower:
Ellie and her cousin Hardison playing:
 Ellie asleep at Aunt Brittany's apartment. Mom and I thought this was cute because, as I walked in with Ellie and laid her down, even though she was still very much asleep she said "Daddy, Daddy." Which tells you whose little princess she is. :-)
 Ellie at the big-kid playground in Riverton at the Browers' open house. She loved going up the stairs and down the big curling slide with me:
 Lunchtime gets messy around here:
 One of the highlights of every day is welcoming Daddy home:
 and, this one's just me ... I "hiked" Bridal Veil Falls last Saturday with some girls from Relief Society. No, not the straight-up hike ... the 15 minute nature walk hike :-)

Beautiful, right? 

Happy summer! Cheers!